People in these groups share their stories, encourage accountability, and work together to serve others at church, the local community, and the world at large. Community groups typically meet in a member’s home on a basis that fits the members’ schedules.
On the first Sunday of the month, we host a potluck lunch following the worship service. We encourage (but don’t require!) everyone to bring dish or snack to share.
On the third Sunday of the month, we encourage you to invite others over for a meal.
Click the arrows next to each team name to learn how to get involved.
Our Worship Team leads us in song each week during our worship services. The Worship Team meets before the service each week to practice. Our A/V Team manages the service audio mixes, video recordings, lighting, slides, and more.
We’re always looking for more musicians and A/V members to join the team! If you’re musically inclined or interested in audio-visuals, feel free to reach out to our office!
The Fellowship Team handles the most delicious parts of church: pre- and post-service refreshments! If you’ve got a knack for baking, cooking, or snacking, the Fellowship Team is for you! Members of this team rotate regularly to handle food, drinks, and cutlery. Sign up by reaching out to our office.
The Welcome Team is here to make sure visitors feel comfortable and answer any questions that they may have. Want to get involved? Please reach out to the office.
Available during adult Sunday school | 9-10 AM
Available during the worship service | 10:15 AM
Nursery (0-3)
Pre-K - 5th grade
Kids’ Sunday school | 9-10 AM
Your child’s safety is so important. Nursery workers are required to check all children both in and out of the nursery using an online software, and every volunteer working with children has been CORI checked. Copies of our nursery policy are available at our office.
Sunday School | 9-10 AM
Middle School
High School
Youth Group | Wednesdays 6-8 PM
Food, fellowship, and discussion
Middle School
High School
Discipleship Groups | Every Other Week
1 or 2 youth leaders meet with 2-4 students to encourage each other, read the Bible, and pray together.

9-10 AM | Current topic: The book of James
Wednesdays, 6:30pm at Center Grace
We are currently studying the book of Philippians.
Thursdays, 9:00-11:00am at Center Grace
Please join us every Thursday morning beginning at 9 am in the Center Grace offices as we study and fellowship together. We are currently studying 1 Samuel. Childcare is provided!
Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:00pm at Center Grace.
Feel free to join at any time!
Center Grace Weekly
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