We’re so grateful that you’re supporting our community in this way.
While we take offering during each church service, we’ve expanded our giving methods to the web in order to make giving accessible outside of our services.
In Person
We believe that God provides all we have and that we are to be stewards of the resources he gives us. During each worship service, we take an offering to give back to God a portion of what he has blessed us with.
What is my donation used for?
Your generous donations fund Center Grace and the work we do. To learn about the different categories of giving, see the list below.
All contributions or “tithes” help to fund to church ministries, support the physical church property, and compensate our staff.
The practice of tithing has roots in the Old Testament, coming from the command to bring a “tithe to the LORD,” which literally means “a tenth” (Numbers 18:24; Deuteronomy 12:6; 2 Chronicles 31:12; Malachi 3:8). Tithing continues into the New Testament (2 Corinthians 8-9) and should be practiced by believers in the present day.
As global missions partners with FPC in Ipswich, Center Grace gives to Faith Promise, a fund used solely to support the work of our missionaries.
Each year, prior to our annual Missions Conference, we ask each person to consider making a donation to be used in the church’s missionary outreach. These pledges collectively become our Faith Promise, or missions budget, for the year. Faith Promise is an “extra effort” collection beyond our regular tithes for the cause of spreading the gospel. You can learn more about Faith Promise here.
One Sunday each month, we take a special Deacons Offering. Contributions given during this offering go to the Deacons Fund, which provides financial assistance to members and friends in need.