Our epicenters
Arab World
East Asia
Global Missions Values
We seek to be faithful to the spreading of the gospel message so that more people would come to know the salvation of Christ across the world.
Recklessly Dependent
We believe that God calls us away from the status quo and to take risks by faith in his strength for the sake of his eternal Kingdom.
Altogether Integrated
We believe that global missions is not simply a compartmentalized ministry exclusively for specialists; rather, global missions should involve a comprehensive involvement from all of the members of our congregation.
Strategically Focused
By refining our direction through prayer, a Biblical assessment of global needs, and our church’s unique calling, our church seeks to focus our global missions sending, praying and giving in three strategic areas (“Epicenters”): the Middle East, Bangladesh, and China.
Passion for God's Glory
Ultimately, we are fueled by a desire to extend the worship of God among the nations.
Save the date for our Annual Global Missions Conference: March 21 - 23, 2025!
To learn about our missionaries and sign up for their newsletters, please reach out to our office.
For information on Global Missions Team involvement, please reach out to our office
(You must indicate that you are designating your gift toward ‘Global Missions, Faith Promise’). All of our financial support for our global missions work is mainly raised through our annual Faith Promise giving. Once a year, during our Missions Conference week, we ask our congregation to pledge financial commitments beyond what they give to our regular annual budget. These pledges collectively become our Faith Promise, or missions budget, for the year. For the safety of many of our international missionaries serving in areas that are hostile to the gospel, we do not list their names or organizations on our website.
Whether you’re a college student looking for a missions internship, someone looking to use their business skills to connect and minister to others, or something else, there’s a missions opportunity out there for you.
Browse all short-term mission trips with MTW.
Ultimately, we are praying to identify, train, and send individuals and/or families to serve long-term in one of our Epicenters. If you are interested in long-term missions or have any questions, please reach out!
Browse mid- and long-term opportunities through MTW. -
Our denomination’s missions organization, Mission To the World (MTW), recently began a campaign to challenge every PCA congregation to pledge 1% of their members to global missions. Center Grace and FPC have joined this 1% pledge and we would ask that you pray for God to raise up global missionaries in our congregation and congregations across the world. You will hear more information about the 1% campaign in the coming months leading up to the global missions conference.
How can I get involved?